a remarkable book that provides leaders with invaluable guidance on how to recover, transition, and triumph over loss and failure

Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is the Thinkers50 #1 Executive Coach and New York Times bestselling author of The Earned Life, Triggers, and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There.

You Had a Dream A CRAZY GOAL.

An idea that was going to make you money, a product that everyone was going to want to buy, or a career path that was going to set you on a trajectory that would bring opportunities, influence, power, financial security, and fulfillment. You thought it would be smooth sailing, and apart from minor bumps here and there, success would come quickly. But then it started unravelling. The business you started is now a shadow of what it once was. The promise of growth and success has become a nightmare. Trusted relationships have died. Lost sleep, anxiety, stress, conflict, and an uncertain future have become part of your leadership experience.

You Had a Dream A CRAZY GOAL.

An idea that was going to make you money, a product that everyone was going to want to buy, or a career path that was going to set you on a trajectory that would bring opportunities, influence, power, financial security, and fulfillment. You thought it would be smooth sailing, and apart from minor bumps here and there, success would come quickly. But then it started unravelling. The business you started is now a shadow of what it once was. The promise of growth and success has become a nightmare. Trusted relationships have died. Lost sleep, anxiety, stress, conflict, and an uncertain future have become part of your leadership experience.

About the Author

Dr Glenn Williams is the founder and CEO of LCP Global. His passion is to equip leaders to achieve their goals without sacrificing what’s important and help their organizations to build a culture where leaders can flourish.

Where to purchase When Leaders Are Lost

When Leaders Are Lost is available at Amazon.com in paperback, Kindle and Audible versions.


“When Leaders Are Lost is a remarkable book that provides leaders with invaluable guidance on how to recover, transition, and triumph over loss and failure. In a world where most books focus solely on achieving success, this book stands out by offering profound insights and practical strategies to navigate through the toughest of challenges. Glenn Williams has masterfully crafted a guidebook that supports leaders in their quest to rise above adversity and emerge stronger than ever before. Whether you're grappling with personal setbacks, professional failures, or navigating through major transitions, When Leaders Are Lost is a beacon of hope and wisdom.”
- Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is the Thinkers50 #1 Executive Coach and New York Times bestselling author of The Earned Life, Triggers, and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There.
“Every coach needs a coach” - Glenn has played that role for me and has become a dear friend over the years. His wisdom and ability to reignite your leadership capacity makes “When Leaders are Lost” a must-read for you irrespective of the stage of your professional journey. Glenn masterfully guides you through a 90-day journey of creating alignment through 5 powerful leadership anchors to maximise your capacity and use your strengths to reframe experiences that have set you back. You will be enriched and empowered to move beyond “lostness” in yourself and others to achieve your maximum potential both personally and professionally."
Colonel Ajai Lal
Leadership and Executive Coach | Former Chief Business Officer, Colonel in the Indian Army (Veteran), Former Senior Military Observer – United Nations
“Leadership is hard. While the impact of great leadership is undeniable, often producing great results or even world-changing outcomes, it often comes at great personal cost. All leaders are human, and so will encounter fear, loneliness, disappointment and failure along their leadership journey. How they respond to these challenges may be the most significant differentiator between a good leader and a great leader. In this intensely personal account of his own leadership journey, Glenn shares the wisdom he’s acquired along the way to navigate these inevitable leadership challenges. This book is a great “pay it forward” gift to the next generation of leaders. If that is you, read it, apply it and pay it forward as well.”
Jim Stollberg & Tom McGehee
Co-Executive Directors, Halftime Institute

“I love that this book provides a clear roadmap for the leader journeying through trials of loss, hurt and failure, and shares critical tools that allows for the reframing of those destructive thoughts that all leaders succumb to at some point, into a mindset of “Yes, you can make a difference”, “Yes you do have a purpose” and “Yes, you can lead others to success”.

Written by a truly authentic leader who has walked the walk and has courageously and generously shared his own crucible experiences in his personal leadership journey only serves to make this a more compelling read. Glenn offers hope that we can all take charge of our own narrative and write a new chapter to our story… one that re-defines and re-claims our purpose, calling and success in life.”

Jayne Taggart
CEO of Enterprise Causeway, a not-for-profit social enterprise that helps small businesses start and grow
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The 5 Leadership Anchors™

It doesn’t take long in leadership to realise that sustained performance doesn’t come by accident. Discover how you can transform your leadership capacity and be empowered to address goals and desired outcomes that are often in conflict, through The 5 Leadership Anchors™


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