What others are saying about When Leaders Are Lost

Drawn from a combination of Dr. Glenn Williams’ professional and personal experience, When Leaders Are Lost has received generous endorsements from many leaders, including the following:
”Timely and critical this book addresses the leadership burn-out epidemic being faced in our post pandemic world. Glenn not only documents the crisis with the most current research, but also shares his personal story, with rare vulnerability and transparency along with practical solutions. His clinical background, combined with his C-Suite journey as a leader and executive coach, provide a powerful perspective that has helped me, and I am sure will help all who read this book.”
Samuel J Voorhies
PhD, Executive coach, leadership and organizational development specialist, who has worked with leaders and emerging leaders for over 30 years in the for-profit and not-for-world in some 80 countries.
”This book contains a wealth of wisdom and information for leaders—those who have experienced burnout, failures, personal and professional tragedies, as well as those who have not yet had these experiences but will likely get there and/or can support others in the midst of their own transitions. I have spent a couple of years transitioning after a personal and professional existential crisis that included divorce, death, disillusionment, and departure from a job and career I once loved. Dr Williams' book resonated deeply with me, mirroring my experiences and the solutions I crafted to redefine my life. I will be gladly sharing this book with friends, family, and those in my leadership academies as a wonderful resource to support their own leadership transitions and pursuit of purpose. Thank you Dr Williams for your vulnerability and using your leadership and personal experiences to provide a light that will illuminate the inner lives of leaders around the world.”
Dr Faith W. Ngunjiri
Chief Leadership Coach, Global Leadership Development LLC (USA and Kenya), author of Women's Spiritual Leadership in Africa: Tempered Radicals and Critical Servant Leaders
”This is not so much a book on leadership as on life. It is an invitation to ask deep questions, encouraged by Glenn’s willingness to ask them of himself. It gently reframes transitions, griefs and disappointments as doorways, without masking the disciplined work required to walk through them.”
Mal Cooke
Director, Neometric, Lawyer
I loved reading Glenn’s book. It contains wisdom, reality, hope and is just so honest, that it makes you laugh and cry. It poses questions and suggests where you might figure out your own answers, always set in the reality of messy life. This book talks about real issues facing all those who lead and even more than that, it is for those who want to live a full and good life, despite the multiple tsunamis crashing on our shores and beaches. It starts off by seeing that leadership is personal, and one size does not fit all. In this the adventure and story of discovery, is also personal. And when we become disconnected from that which is important, it is wise to be able to perceive this early, so we can figure out what to do to reconnect us. And when life’s storms are raging, we need to figure out and deploy our anchors. Key is being prepared in the noise, to ask the question that cuts through the turbulence. So ‘What do you love?’ is a question of powerful simplicity at its best! So many great questions throughout, and some great practical suggestions about avoiding the gap, redefining your script, making sure there is energy for the right people and the things to be done. I could go on.... This is a sophisticated work cloaked in simplicity and set in the vagaries of real life. It will be a valuable and much read work on the leadership shelves. Thank you, Glenn, for taking the risk with me as a reader, with your most treasured insights and the pain that lies behind seeing things through renewed eyes."
Chris Lever
Founder of Teleios, now helping leaders navigate familiar, unfamiliar and uncharted waters
Equal parts self-reflection and instructional guide, When Leaders are Lost does something that so many leadership books don’t: It confronts failure, loss, and recovery from trauma head on. Dr. Glenn Williams charts a course for transforming defeat into the gift of re-examination and reset with generosity and been-there, done-that understanding. He is a clear, cogent, and deeply personal writer with a proven perspective on how leaders who feel lost can learn to step back, reflect, realign, and redefine for themselves what it means to succeed. Williams has written an engrossing, enlightening, easy-to-read book that equips hurting leaders to rediscover (or discover, perhaps for the first time) who they truly are in a stepwise but wholly un-prescriptive way. When Leaders are Lost is essential reading for any leader who has experienced failure, disappointment, or other dark times. And who among us has not?
Cheryl Farr
Founder & Chief Strategist, SIGNAL Brand Innovation
Perhaps the most important piece of any book is it causes you to reflect and ask questions of yourself wherever you are on your journey. Glenn's book did that for me. In addition to sharing a lot of leadership principles that I agree with and implemented in my leadership roles at Microsoft and non-profits, it also caused me to reflect on my leadership approaches, beliefs and strategies. I found myself reflecting on my experiences, values and what is important as a leader and individual. He shares some incredibly valuable (and vulnerable) stories of his own experience that bring to life important leadership lessons and insights. It all combines to help you understand your own leadership approach, what you believe, while providing some guideposts to help you improve and to map a path forward towards greater leadership and impact.
Rich Reynolds
General Manager, Microsoft (Retired)
Internal dissonance is a fact of life for every person who bears the sacred stewardship of influence. In his book, When Leaders are Lost, Dr. Glenn Williams serves as a trusted colleague and confidant, offering insights that are rooted in reflective practice (rather than theory). It has been said that great thinkers are distinguished by their ability to provide vocabulary for a generation’s collective intuitions. This book does that for a generation of leaders whose role, though not new, is constantly recalibrating to meet the demands of changing norms and industry standards. This is a must read for those who wish to flourish in the life of leading.
Charles J. Conniry
Jr., PhD, President, Western Seminary, Portland, Oregon
Such a timely book for today and today's leadership. Dr Williams has expertly dealt with leadership and the journey of the leader; through good times and bad. As a very successful and serial entrepreneur myself I read this book and often said "wow" - I wish I had encountered this years ago! No matter where you are on your leadership journey this book will help you know what you are going to experience and give you the tools to navigate it successfully, whilst still being able to thrive regardless of any outcome. I've dealt with leadership across the globe, from small startups to senators and politicians and to leaders of global businesses. This book helps you navigate those leadership ups and downs, regardless of the scale. For any leader discovering who you are and having the capacity to flourish through any and all circumstances is the difference between a cynical/jaded ending or an ending that is a fountain of inspiration for others. I thoroughly recommend this book to be an essential part of your leadership toolbox.
Paul R. Vinton
Entrepreneur, Technology Expert, Board Advisor, EY Entrepreneur of the Year (2015)
Every leader at some point in their life will find themselves being derailed from their plans. Some may even feel lost and helpless during these disruptive transitions. In this book, Glenn courageously and generously shared his personal experiences including a framework that help leaders navigate back on track or map out a new path. An amazing book from someone who has "been there" and knows the way out. For leaders who are feeling lost, your story is not finished. Read this book and follow the instructions to gain clarity and breakthrough.
Henry Lee
Chair, C12 Singapore
Glenn brings raw wisdom to the discussion of true leadership. This book flows with timeless truth-telling that points to what really matters for impactful leadership in the future. Glenn has paid the ultimate price to share his story and insights in a way that can create true action, not just thought, in our life and work. This one goes to the top of the stack.
Phil Styrlund
, CEO, The Summit Group, co-author of 'Relevance - matter more'
Disorientation and disillusionment are as perilous as delusions for a leader. Glenn offers real world insights and principles that can help a leader triangulate next steps of navigating leadership and vocation. Transition, trauma and troubles are likely - but to know you don't have to let losses translate to staying lost is an enduring lifeline. I wish I had read this 20 years ago!
Mike Sharrow
CEO, C12 Business Forums
It takes a special kind of leader to help us navigate times of loss, disappointment, and tragedy—one who has come through similar and found hope, understanding and new experiences of success. Glenn Williams is such a leader. And he has distilled his leadership experience of life's most painful things into something so profound to help others navigate their most challenging life events.
Jason Swan Clark
, Principal, Waverley Abbey College
Many books have been written about corporate success and the importance of leaders to that end. What is not seen as frequently -- but often assumed-- are the tough lessons those successful leaders must first endure and overcome. Glenn draws on his personal leadership experience and the stories of others to give us a fuller picture of moving beyond disappointment, failure, and hurt, and how they don't have to be the final chapter. I can't help but wonder how much leadership potential lies dormant or underutilized because many cannot find their way back? This is a must read for those who have led and might be afraid to dream again, and for those leaders who want to unleash the latent leadership potential they see in others.
Jeevan D'Mello
President, Global Leaders Today Magazine
There are Born Leaders and there are those who Become Leaders in their Journey of Life. This Book is for all the Leaders or Wanna Be Leaders who want help to find a bridge to the joy and privilege of leading others. I have known Glenn for almost a decade now, this book is all about his personal experience and stories of many, we will easily relate to.
Munish Chawla
Co Founder & Chief Happiness Officer, Jeevitam
Glenn attacks a subject too many are afraid to discuss. What happens when life and work don’t go as planned, sometimes under challenging and confronting circumstances. From personal experience I understand the depth of pain Glenn discusses. Most importantly, he takes readers on a journey of Ownership. Of understanding how to own your future whatever has happened in the past and he gives a step by step guide on how to do that. It’s brilliant, I couldn’t put it down, it took me four hours to read cover to cover and it was totally worth it.
Toby Hall
Chairman Sana Health Group
If you have faced significant challenges and personal setbacks as a leader, then this book is for you. If you haven’t yet, then you will as you advance in your career and leadership. Glenn combines authentic stories from his own personal journey with an overlay of principles and practical frameworks to help you assess your situation from a different perspective, re-align to your purpose, and take proactive steps to get “unstuck” and be able to move forward to the greater opportunities that await.
Jonathan Patton
Entrepreneur & Merchant Banker, Managing Partner Trivium Global
Glenn Williams's book is a must read for leaders in all spheres. Glenn shares his personal and professional challenges, with honesty and vulnerability, revealing how they became catalysts for growth and enhanced leadership prowess. With practical advice and heartfelt wisdom, this book offers a lifeline for leaders seeking to navigate their way back to purpose and success. In concise and impactful prose, Glenn's guidance provides a roadmap for self-discovery and renewed leadership, making it essential reading for any reader who has felt lost and disillusioned.
Dr Gabriel Roux
Clinical Psychologist, Director at Flourish Psychology
Dr. Glenn Williams is a master ‘personal trainer’ for developing life strategies. Glenn takes his reader through a personal journey to guide a process of self examination, healing, and understanding oneself to be intentional about developing one’s road forward.
Wade Crow
Chief Financial Officer, Cross Catholic Outreach
Here is a book written by a leader for leaders. Glenn has managed to tackle the perennial problem that all leaders face … humanity! He gently guides leaders through the maze of life to find a path to a new adventure. This is important work and he has made it easier for all of us. Thoughtful, inspiring, engaging, substantive are all words that come to mind having read When Leaders are Lost. It is a monumental contribution to the world of leadership. Williams tackles lostness in ways that are scholarly yet accessible. His transparent, thoughtful style will help any leader take time out and reflect on where life is going.
Jonathan Booth
retired Third Sector CEO
"All leaders should be asking themselves - what drives me? This book delivers insights, questions and opportunities for reflection for those 'driven to achieve' leaders who may be (or should be) questioning how their leadership and drive to succeed align to their 'true' purpose and at what cost. It is one book all leaders should read before it is too late!"
Michael Eichler
People and Culture Leader, Anglicare Sydney
Most successful leaders experience tremendous and exhilarating highs, and deeply painful low times and self-doubt in their lives and careers. Throughout this book, Glenn has articulated his personal leadership experiences in a very humble and authentic way. He seeks to translate his lived experience of what happened to him and his family when trust was lost in what was probably his most significant career role, into advice for current and future leaders that can help them navigate their circumstances to remain at the peak of their corporate performance while honoring their family commitments and other most important relationships.
Terry Winters AM
Company Director
A captivating read! Glenn Williams is offering something here akin to a department store’s “lost and found” counter, for leaders. Indeed for any leader that’s lost, this book might help you find just what you need, at just the right time, to re-enter your journey with purpose and fulfil your potential. This powerful and practical book will help many leaders.
Andrew Hagger
former Group Executive of National Australia Bank, and former CEO of Minderoo Foundation and Tattarang
As someone seemingly at the height of my leadership journey, this book was timely! “The leader’s soul” spoke to me early in the reading and the journey Glenn takes us on to remind us why we chose a leadership path is something every leader will find of great value. The leadership anchors resonated with me particularly the importance of relationships. Glenn’s personal stories are compelling and gave me a new appreciation of my own family and husband who has stood beside me for the last 32 years, encouraging my leadership growth. As someone who has had ups and downs on the leadership journey I’ve taken the time through Glenn’s book to consider the questions posed and re-evaluate my next 20+ years, to keep writing new chapters, to ensure I’m leading a fulfilling life, maximising my strengths from the balcony but understanding the basement and choosing to create my leadership path with strong anchors and the right people around me. A timely reminder for anyone leading a group, a business, a family, their own life. I’ll be passing this book on to those in my world and I’m sure you will too after reading to the end!
Michelle Blicavs
, CEO, Association of Consulting Surveyors NSW
I wholeheartedly endorse "When Leaders are Lost" by Glenn Williams. This remarkable book fearlessly explores the often-taboo subject of leaders losing their way - offering vulnerability, transparency, and courage in sharing personal difficulty and challenges. Glenn's authentic stories, combined with principles and practical frameworks, provide a valuable resource for leaders who have faced significant setbacks or are preparing for future hurdles. With insightful guidance, readers can assess their situations, realign with their purpose, and forge a positive new leadership path. Glenn's meaningful and personal tone resonates deeply, making this book a valuable companion for leaders navigating complexities and seeking renewed inspiration. This book is a must-read for anyone who is on any kind of a leadership journey.
Dr Tom Davis
Chairman of Kelsier Group
I’ve had the privilege of leading in companies from start up to $500M+ in revenue, and Glenn’s leadership principles apply in all sizes of companies. Life has its ups and its downs, and so do our careers. “When Leaders are Lost” confronts this reality head on, and personally, because each of our journeys, as individuals and leaders, is a personal one. Disillusionment, identity, personal values, success definition, and the like, all exposed and connected by Glenn into a workable path forward. May we all use these principles as leaders as we move through the “gift” of our future transitions.
Shawn Holtzclaw
Global Senior Executive
Finally a book which breaks away from the generic, well churned, self-development rhetoric. Glenn Williams journals his own incredible and at times heartbreaking experiences with great honesty and hope. He offers a wonderful balance in sharing his journey but also offering practical and useful frameworks anyone can utilise. A must read for anyone who is at the crossroads and needing guidance and inspiration when asking....what next?
Daniel Bunnett
Executive Vice President/Director - Loscam
"A lot has been written about Leadership over many years, however this is one of a very few books that addresses what most leaders hide behind masks and high walls of disappointment, hurt and failure. Not only does it describe it in a most personal, vulnerable and honest way, but it suggests ways of facing it, working through it and coming out of it stronger, more humane and able to lead from a position of stronger relationships and understanding and a new definition of what success really is."
Mathilda Fourie
, Executive Director Halftime Institute Africa
”A book of hope and practical guidance, on how to turn adversity into triumph! Brought alive via the profound vignettes that many leaders will resonate with.“
Sunil Dovedy
Adizes Certified Principal Associate & Professional Director
”As a serial entrepreneur leading a rapidly expanding company, and also juggling the responsibilities of being a busy husband and father, I have often found myself feeling lost, isolated, and fearful amidst the ups and downs of the entrepreneurial journey. However, I have come to realize that I am not alone in my struggles, and that there are actionable strategies that can help me navigate the inevitable highs and lows of this path. Glenn's candid sharing of his own experiences and insights has inspired me to delve deeper into my own strengths and capabilities, and to use my position as a successful entrepreneur to empower others to do the same. Through his book, I have gained a newfound sense of clarity, purpose, and direction, and I am excited to apply these learnings to my own life and business endeavours.”
Mike Pond
Director of Prime 100, former Olympic coach with the Australian Institute of Sport
”This extraordinary book offers key Insights, strategies and wisdom from Glenn’s years of experience in working, consulting and coaching thousands of leaders from around the world. It addresses realities of the leadership journey, challenges perspectives and inspires us to become the best leaders we can be. If you have the desire to pursue your life’s calling and choose to live a fulfilling life that ultimately makes a difference to others, this book will be of great benefit.”
Stephanie Woollard
OAM, CEO and Founder, Seven Women
“Every coach needs a coach” - Glenn has played that role for me and has become a dear friend over the years. His wisdom and ability to reignite your leadership capacity makes “When Leaders are Lost” a must-read for you irrespective of the stage of your professional journey. Glenn masterfully guides you through a 90-day journey of creating alignment through 5 powerful leadership anchors to maximise your capacity and use your strengths to reframe experiences that have set you back. You will be enriched and empowered to move beyond “lostness” in yourself and others to achieve your maximum potential both personally and professionally."
Colonel Ajai Lal
Leadership and Executive Coach | Former Chief Business Officer, Colonel in the Indian Army (Veteran), Former Senior Military Observer – United Nations
Leadership is hard. While the impact of great leadership is undeniable, often producing great results or even world-changing outcomes, it often comes at great personal cost. All leaders are human, and so will encounter fear, loneliness, disappointment and failure along their leadership journey. How they respond to these challenges may be the most significant differentiator between a good leader and a great leader. In this intensely personal account of his own leadership journey, Glenn shares the wisdom he’s acquired along the way to navigate these inevitable leadership challenges. This book is a great “pay it forward” gift to the next generation of leaders. If that is you, read it, apply it and pay it forward as well.
Jim Stollberg & Tom McGehee
Co-Executive Directors, Halftime Institute
This is a must-read for anyone who has ever felt lost or stuck in their leadership journey. Williams' honest and vulnerable storytelling makes this book relatable and engaging, while his insights and strategies offer practical guidance for overcoming setbacks and redefining success. Whether you're a seasoned leader or just starting out, this book will inspire you to ask the tough questions and take bold steps toward a more fulfilling career. Highly recommended!
Dean Miles
Executive Coach, Fellow Harvard Institute of Coaching
In the early chapters, Glenn invites you to “write your leadership life’s next chapter”…and then unpacks a journey of reflections & truth (often painful). We, just like life around us, are in constant transition; the question is, how can we intentionally self-cultivate this often lonely leadership journey? Glenn, thank you for blessing us with much wisdom in this book!
Dr. Carl Thong
CEO, Sunstone Group
Candour is the hallmark of an authentic leader! Dr Glenn Williams in his book " When Leaders are Lost" demonstrates it succinctly by sharing his life's story as a Leader....it's dark and sunny side, the rise and fall, the triumph and lostness. I strongly recommend the book as a good read for every person who is a leader or desires to be one or who admires or envies great leaders- after all leadership is not a bed of roses.
Dr Nelson D'Souza
, Teaching Academic, Western Sydney University, Former Head-Leadership Development, Emirates NBD Bank
This book is a must read for all leaders. Leadership is tough. Leaders inevitably face setbacks, failure and devastating disappointment. Also almost inevitably your identity gets wrapped up in what you do and your position. As Glenn puts it, ‘you feel lost’ after such crippling setbacks. How do you come back from that? Glenn answers that question by offering strategies and tools to help leaders move beyond those crucible experiences, to rediscover and redefine success in a healthier and more sustainable way.
Warwick Fairfax
, Founder, Beyond the Crucible Author of Crucible Leadership, Embrace Your Trials to Lead a Life of Significance
This book is deeply impactful. Full of wisdom, challenges, and truth, it will both encourage you, and force you to dig deep inside your own leadership journey. I’ve had the privilege of knowing and working with Glenn for over 15 years. His experiences, education and practical leadership insights will make you a better leader and person — but only if you trust the process and apply what’s inside this gem of a book.
Steve Maegdlin
, Founder and CEO, Executive Advisory Partners
Listen up folks, if you want to take your leadership game to the next level, this book is the real deal. I've read a lot of books on leadership in my time, but this one is a game-changer. Not only will you be inspired to be a leader in your profession but a leader of your own life. Glenn has a no-nonsense approach that's refreshing and practical. You won't find any fluff or theory here, just straight talk and actionable insights. The best part? Glenn isn't just regurgitating the same old tired leadership clichés. They've got a fresh perspective that challenges conventional wisdom and will leave you thinking differently about what it means to be a leader. I particularly appreciated the chapter on What Value Do You Attach To Your Relationships? Glenn breaks down the key elements of relationships in a way that's easy to understand and implement. Having my own crucible experience being an orphan, through Glenn’s transparency with the loss of his son, Glenn’s written words have helped me deal with the loss of my birth parents at an early age, and invest in the relationships I now have and cultivate them to flourish. Overall, I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to up their leadership game. It's a must-read for anyone who's serious about making an impact in their organization and their life.
Dave Dickinson
, President, Emerson and Blair
Honest, painful, inspiring, a must read, Glenn’s book helps us all to deal with our biggest setback, which then becomes our launch pad to redefining success.
Dr Mark McKinney
Managing Director, ATG Group
In this authentic book, Dr. Glenn Williams takes an incisive look at the “lostness of a leader”, the numerous “failings” and pulls and pushes that the leader is to contend with. Culled out of his own life experiences the book is resource of rich practical wisdom and for the discerning mind a reliable guide to navigate through ‘the challenges of leadership’. The book asks several searching questions e.g., “how do you measure your life?”, “but do you love it?” and provides telling advice, “Don’t let the darker moments define your future”, “mind the gap” and is peppered with powerful insights, “there is often a disconnect between what you value most and the goals you pursue”, “how you approach your day reveals what is important to you”. The narrative is easy, the content is challenging, and the intent is to move you through the maze to the next level despite the fallings and failings. A must read for all leaders - highly recommended!
Dr. Pearl John
Chairman- World Vision India, Executive Director – Logos Management
I love that this book provides a clear roadmap for the leader journeying through trials of loss, hurt and failure, and shares critical tools that allows for the reframing of those destructive thoughts that all leaders succumb to at some point, into a mindset of “Yes, you can make a difference”, “Yes you do have a purpose” and “Yes, you can lead others to success”. Written by a truly authentic leader who has walked the walk and has courageously and generously shared his own crucible experiences in his personal leadership journey only serves to make this a more compelling read. Glenn offers hope that we can all take charge of our own narrative and write a new chapter to our story… one that re-defines and re-claims our purpose, calling and success in life.
Jayne Taggart
CEO of Enterprise Causeway, a not-for-profit social enterprise that helps small businesses start and grow
Leadership is a lonely place especially when you are not winning, then its challenges are on your mind most waking hours - and more often than not keep us awake. There is little sympathy when things go wrong. Congratulations, Glenn for your vulnerability, transparency and courage to write this book and include the personal pain and challenges you encountered. I sense this book fills a gap in the market and provides many tips on the often taboo subject of when leaders lose their mojo and how we need to 'self lead' and examine our own misalignment, rediscover passion, and forge a positive new leadership path for the future.
John Sikkema
Chairman, Prime Value Asset Management
A book of brutal honesty, self-exposure and reflection of what helps to re-anchor and set a new trajectory as a leader after challenging times or periods of transition. It is so natural for us to want to move quickly out of discomfort but Glenn reminds us of the importance of taking the time for serious reflection while building a core of friends who are truly invested in our well-being and who can help with our blind spots, and building on the platform that even achieving small goals can create. His candour shows how easy it is to overlook the important things in life that lead to greater meaning and satisfaction. However, he reveals 5 Leadership Anchors to help align and focus our efforts and goals without sacrificing what's important, encouraging us to ask the right questions when answers are needed (including what does success look like to me and those who mean the most to me). I found this book to be a most encouraging read and commend it to any leader who is questioning where they are at - or simply looking how to develop a better sweet spot and hopefully better navigate life's unexpected landmines. It is a book that I expect to return to, redigesting the many parts that have been underlined and asterisked!
Ian Bloemendal
, Litigation Partner, Clayton Utz

It is a privilege to endorse 'When leaders are lost' by Dr Glenn Williams, moving beyond disappointment, failure, and hurt to redefine success. I was a director and early investor of LCP Global in those early years as Glenn redefined success and we established a global executive coaching business that was able to connect the whole of one's life into an integrated approach using the five leadership anchors developed by Glenn. In this book, he shares his own lived experience in a powerful and vulnerable way that encourages leaders to pick themselves up and use setbacks not as a reason to give up but as a catalyst to lead from a deep experience and empathy that takes them to greater heights.

He shares how we can use our personal script to find practical things that can create positive change and new momentum as we start to explore what exciting new goals lay ahead. There is always a risk and it is hard to get back on the horse when you have been thrown to the ground, but a true leader knows that this is the price of success and others are depending on you.

It reminds me of that Shakespeare quote from Julius Caesar where daring leadership is required. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea we are now afloat, and we must take the current when it serves, or lose our fortunes." When Leaders Are Lost is just the inspiration to pick ourselves up and take the tide.

Kevin Bailey AM
Chairman, Parousia Media Pty Ltd
Glenn Williams’ book ‘When Leaders Are Lost’ is a book for leaders who want to get real. You may or may not feel ‘lost’, but this gritty book will get you asking the questions you need to ask of yourself regardless. This book will take you out of your comfort zone, but as a leader you should not be comfortable anyway! There are a lot of bosses who are pretending to be leaders by following management consultants’ guidelines, but Glenn Williams’ book makes it clear that leadership is about who you are, more than what you do. With practical insights and suggestions combined with lived experience, every leader worth the title needs to read this book.
Jim Longley
former Government Minister, Banking Executive, NFP CEO, M.Ec., M.Div., FCPA, FAICD, FIML
Sometimes, a rare book arrives that addresses the heartbeat of what it means to be a leader in the current uncertain world of leadership. Through numerous stories of success and failures, Glenn has crafted a book that is gritty in its drive to see that leaders of today and tomorrow can see that ‘it’ can be done and achieved in a way that embraces the dynamic change required in order to confront in a world of uncertainty. Seasoned leaders and aspiring leaders will all gain from reading this book.
Dr Lindsay McMillan OAM
Chairman, IJM Australia
Glenn’s personal journey and other stories in this book remind us that we do not need to remain lost as leaders, having things thrusted upon us, but there’s a perspective of leading holistically with the right people around us that make the journey worthwhile.
Adeline Looi
, Global Business, Talent & Culture Senior Leader heading up Leadership Development and HR thought leadership in Fortune 500 companies
Honest, practical, and filled with insights, this book offers wisdom and hope to leaders in diverse fields and contexts. Williams illumines for us of the importance of having a North Star, and of rediscovering it when we lose our way. A beautiful and inspiring book!
L. Gregory Jones
President, Belmont University.
Glenn Williams struck gold in both my head and my heart with this book. I wish the wisdom and insight were at my fingertips two or more decades ago. Having experienced two+ ”careers” with one in pastoral ministry and the other in real-world business; I’ve entertained, endured, collapsed and risen again after life-altering changes, a time of being homeless with my wife and two daughters and a myriad of other challenging experiences. As a serial entrepreneur, the challenges that come with that are often misunderstood or trivialized by those who have never been there. Dr. Williams' own vulnerability, extraordinary insights and wisdom made me feel I was not alone. Furthermore, even after 27 years in successful business; Glenn’s writing helps me deal with some of the past traumatic drama that sometimes rears it’s ugly face. The thread of life-application throughout this book is a must-read practical guide that represents a need for disciplined and routine exercise to be explored and applied. Thank you, Glenn. I’m recommending this to several dozens of my partners and CEO friends.
Dana A. Dunmyer
President & CEO of TQI Solutions, serial entrepreneur
Glenn Williams provides a much-needed guide for leaders who have experienced disappointment, failure, or hurt, sharing that these experiences can be valuable opportunities for growth and learning, but only if we are willing to face them head-on and learn from them. Williams offers several practical strategies for doing this, drawing on his own experience as a leader and on the stories of others. One of the key messages of the book is that leaders need to be aware of their own capacity. We all have a finite amount of energy and resources, and we need to be careful not to spread ourselves too thin. "When Leaders Are Lost" is a valuable resource for any leader who is looking to overcome disappointment, failure, and hurt. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to become a more effective and impactful leader.
Roshan Thiran
Founder of Leaderonomics and Chairman of Necole ( a state-of-the-art learning experience platform)
Be prepared! Just like acupuncture, this book really hits on leaders’ pain points to facilitate an effective ‘healing’ process for an even better self! A real scholar-leader-practitioner, Glenn compassionately guides us to face the reality of leadership by integrating the principles of Gestalt Psychology - we are more than or greater than the sum of our parts! His courageous and selfless sharing of his journey is undoubtedly a blessing for many leaders, including myself!
Vivien Hau
Founder and Organisational Psychologist, Flow Consulting Limited
"There is widespread acceptance leaders can grow from a place of failure and disappointment. Perhaps just as prevalent, but much less known, is the reality of “lostness” for leaders. In this book, Glenn Williams brings a hopeful ‘lost and found’ narrative about how leaders can develop a new capacity for success. Whether you are a leader in the tension of transition, or like me starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I believe you will find this book to be a powerful ‘sensemaking’ tool helping you ask the right questions, which in time will gently lead you on to the next great leadership adventure."
Karise Hutchinson
Professor of Leadership, Ulster University Business School
“When Leaders Are Lost is a remarkable book that provides leaders with invaluable guidance on how to recover, transition, and triumph over loss and failure. In a world where most books focus solely on achieving success, this book stands out by offering profound insights and practical strategies to navigate through the toughest of challenges. Glenn Williams has masterfully crafted a guidebook that supports leaders in their quest to rise above adversity and emerge stronger than ever before. Whether you're grappling with personal setbacks, professional failures, or navigating through major transitions, When Leaders Are Lost is a beacon of hope and wisdom.”
Dr. Marshall Goldsmith
is the Thinkers50 #1 Executive Coach and New York Times bestselling author of The Earned Life, Triggers, and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There.

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