Applying The 5 Leadership Anchors™

The foundation for sustainable leadership success
As outlined in When Leaders Are Lost, aligning your goals and efforts with the 5 Leadership Anchors™ gives you a foundation for overcoming roadblocks and sustained performance. This is true for leaders both individually and corporately.

Applying the 5 Leadership Anchors for your organization

LCP Global enables organizations to leverage the 5 Leadership Anchors via their Leadership Alignment Platform, a strategic management system to equip organizations to increase and utilise their leadership capacity.

Personal application for leaders

To equip leaders to learn more about and personally apply the 5 Leadership Anchors™, LCP Global has created a number of articles and resources, which are available below. If you haven’t already read When Leaders Are Lost, it also contains a thorough overview of the Anchors

Latest Articles

In a study of CEO’s leading multibillion dollar companies, Harvard Business Review1 sought clarity on how CEO’s use their time and how to maximise it.
Like relationships, no one really goes into business expecting it to fail. Yet, more than half of all businesses don’t
It’s often only in hindsight that leaders recognize their organizational culture was a major contributing factor to serious failures.

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